Sunday, August 15, 2010

Arrest Warrant issued for Lindsay Lohan

Apparently, Los Angeles judge Marsha Revel has had it with Lindsay Lohan's reasoning of volcanic ash and missing passports as excuses for missing mandatory court dates. The judge has issued an arrest warrant for Lohan this morning after the actress evaded a court date regarding her parole for a drunk driving offense by staying in Europe. Much more romantic than the average criminal hiding out in their mom's house.

Prosecutors are most likely pleased with this turn of events since they've been frustrated by Revel's lackadaisical attitude toward Lohan in the past, overlooking minor violations in favor of a 'everybody deserves a second chance' ruling.

After hearing reason after reason regarding why Lohan couldn't make a court date she was well-aware of in advance, Revel said, "There is no valid excuse [for Lohan not being here], If she wanted to be here, she could've been here. She could've come two days early from Cannes. She has a history of not keeping scheduled appointments. She has to take this seriously. I've warned her before."

While policemen with packs of dogs won't be roaming the streets looking for Lohan, a sheriff says the arrest warrant means that if an officer recognizes her, she should be arrested on site. This should be an exciting day at LAX when she finally decides to grace L.A with her presence.

Lohan is now facing much stricter observation, including an alcohol-intake monitoring bracelet and drug testing. Since Lohan's dropped any guise of maintaining sobriety, this will suck to her.

Her lawyer's defense is that most of the time, Lohan is in compliance with her parole. Dude. Please. The deal with parole is that ALL THE TIME you have to follow the rules. That's the dumbest excuse ever.
