Monday, July 13, 2009

Arrest of anti-gang leader Alex Sanchez sparks criticism of gang outreach programs

Former MS-13 gang member and anti-gang crusader Alex Sanchez was taken into custody today as a part of a federal indictment of several MS-13 gang members. Sanchez, along with the other suspects named in the indictment, is accused by the FBI of being involved in multiple slayings, extortion and assaults in the Lafayette Park area. During his youth, Sanchez was an active member of MS-13. After violating parole in 1994, Sanchez was deported to his home country of El Salvador. He returned to the United States a year later and formally renounced his affiliations with MS-13. He would go on to help organize the local chapter of Homies Unidos, an nonprofit organization dedicated to gang violence prevention.
Sanchez gained notoriety a few years ago when authorities attempted to deport him a second time.  Several notable figures came to Sanchez's aid, including former state Sen. Tom Hayden (D-Los Angeles), who testified in his defense. He was eventually granted political asylum after it was found that he had been harassed by the LAPD.
The original L.A. Now article on the arrest has spurred a significant amount of debate. Many readers contended that Sanchez should not have been granted political asylum, and they were critical of gang outreach programs.
"Ho hum. The only ones shocked are those that haven't been reading the paper for YEARS. It's old news that the government is paying "former" gang members to do "outreach." Yes, your tax dollars are funding gang crime and killings. Disgusting and stupid, but no one really cares," wrote windu.
"Silly to think that he actually left MS-13! Silly court to have overturned the deportation and let him stay in the country AFTER he had re-entered illegally! Silly Tom Hayden! Why must we spend tax dollars prosecuting and incarcerating these vicious criminals? I say send them back to their country of origin to rot in their jails! Enough of this!!!! And this is coming from a self-described latino lefty liberal! I am so tired of politicians in general and Latino politicians in particular who don't have the guts to say no to illegal immigration, no to gangs, no to lawlessness because they fear losing face with their latino constituents," said Frankie.


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